
The lesson video is the following

Main position

In this lesson we have seen how to manage the 4-4 + keima corner enclosure as shown in the next diagram.

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Black has commonly two ways to answer. The pincer at A is more peaceful and let the opponent settle in the corner while taking influence outside. The second option is the kick at B, which is more complicated and lead to fighting.

The pincer

After the pincer, this common joseki should follow.

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Because 2 is already in place, white should take the corner with 9.

The kick

After the kick, the normal continuation is to pincer white. The next move for white is key. He wants to go out, but doesn’t want to make black too strong on the bottom to preserve the aji of invading later around the area marked with triangle.

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So white has two choices to think of, the double jump at A or the knight move at B.

The double jump

The sequence simply follows as shown below.

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After that, black can tenuki. White has now to points of interest shown with the triangles. Note that white has no need to worry about the cut at A, because he can always play B in sente, black responds with C and white connects with D.

The knight move

In the case the position in the bottom corner is not so strong, as shown below, then white can play the knight move to build influence and attack the stone at 4 with 9.

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It is important to notice that black must answer with 6. If black omits the move at 6, then white can play A, black must answer at B and now the invasion in the san-san works.